Résultats de la recherche

  1. Xavier Mustin

    Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host...

    you just have to specify the Remote Desktop Licensing server and License Mode on your Remote Desktop Session Host (on W2012 R2 server) and then the problem will be fixed. Follow the instruction below to configure /specify RD Licensing server and License Mode : > From W2012 R2 server, from...
  2. Xavier Mustin

    Linux-KVM: Migrating Hyper-V VHD Images to KVM

    I have always been a big fan of Hyper-V, and was actually a Virtualization MVP 2 years in a row. However recently I haven’t been able to get past the really poor support for Linux on the Hyper-V platform. We run a large number of hypervisors in our international sales offices (15+) and have a...
  3. Xavier Mustin

    Convert VHD to QEMU disk

    Exemple: qemu-img convert win2008r2-1.vhd -O qcow2 win2008r2-1.qcow2
  4. Xavier Mustin

    pfSense on a WatchGuard Firebox x750e

    <work in progress> Flash bios Flash pfSense 1st boot Turn down noise Optimization (boot config) LCD display Fix LEDS (NICs, Arm/Disarm) Software used Windows 7 Win32DiskImager PuTTY WinSCP Flash bios Flash FreeDOS to CF card. Add modified bios to flashed CF card. Use console 9600 8N1 Boot...
  5. Xavier Mustin

    Exchange Anti-Spam

    Install the Anti-Spam Components Run the following commands in the Exchange Management Shell: [PS] C:\Windows\System32>cd 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts' [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>.\install-AntispamAgents.ps1 Close EMS, Restart the...
  6. Xavier Mustin

    Traffic Shaper PFSENSE

    Limiter would be an easy way to go. Go to the Firewall>>>Traffic Shaper option Create a limiter, name it "in", type in the connection speed. Save it and enable it. Create another limiter, name it "out", type in the connection speed. Save it and enable it. Create an alias with all the ip's...
  7. Xavier Mustin

    Migrating Public Folders to Exchange 2013

    In this two-part article, the author will talk about and demonstrate how to migrate Public Folders from Exchange 2010 into Exchange 2013. Introduction Now that Exchange 2007 SP3 RU10, Exchange 2010 SP3 and Exchange 2013 CU1 have been released, administrators can start deploying Exchange 2013 in...
  8. Xavier Mustin

    Specify the Remote Desktop Licensing Mode

    The Remote Desktop licensing mode determines the type of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server will request from a license server on behalf of a client connecting to the RD Session Host server. Important The Remote...
  9. Xavier Mustin

    Le fichier Windows.edb devient très volumineux dans Windows 8 ou Windows Server 2012

    Symptômes Dans Windows 8 ou Windows Server 2012, le Service de recherche Windows peut dilater le fichier Windows .edb. Lorsque ce problème se produit, le fichier Windows .edb peut atteindre une très grande taille et consommer ainsi beaucoup d'espace disque. Dans certains cas, la taille du...
  10. Xavier Mustin

    Problème de winmail.dat Watchguard

    Watchguard Firewall and Winmail.dat attachments BY ADMIN, ON OCTOBER 18TH, 2013 This is technically a re-port from Watchguards Site, but since it doesn’t come up all the time in searching I decided to add it here. If you implement the SMTP proxy and the senders outside for whatever reason use...
  11. Xavier Mustin

    How to define Exchange 2013 default database for New Mailboxes

    Just we would need to suspend all the other databases from provisioning and leave the one you want to provision to allow. Please follow the below cmdlets Get-MailboxDatabase | Set-MailboxDatabase -IsSuspendedFromProvisioning $true Set-MailboxDatabase <DatabaseYouWantToUse>...
  12. Xavier Mustin

    converts mailbox Type - Shared / regular / Room / Equipement

    This example converts the shared mailbox, MarketingDept1 to a user mailbox. Set-Mailbox MarketingDept1 -Type Regular
  13. Xavier Mustin

    Managing Import/Export PST Permissions

    Managing Import/Export Permissions… By default, the permissions required to Import/Export are not assigned to users in an Exchange environment. In this article series we are going to use a user called helpdesk that is part of the Recipient Management role and using Exchange Admin Center (EAC) we...
  14. Xavier Mustin

    Windows Server Backup – Manually Delete Snapshots

    Posted on May 13, 2013 by Admin NB: Scroll down to the bottom for a possible long-term solution to this problem Windows Server Backup (WSB) was introduced with Server 2008, replacing the functionality of NTBackup in earlier versions of windows. WSB uses automatic space and version management...
  15. Xavier Mustin

    Tutorial PFSense 2.0: Active Directory

    Hey guys, I couldn't find any good screenshot based tutorials on this so thought i'd write one up. This is to enable Authentication of pfsense using Active Directory and LDAP. This was using Windows Server 2008 r2 which I could connect to over an IPSec tunnel. however its probably easier and...
  16. Xavier Mustin

    Reprendre la main très rapidement sur un pfSense

    L'installation d'un pare-feu sous pfSense est rapide, c'est ensuite que je perdais du temps. Mais ça c'était avant ! Voilà une astuce pour reprendre la main sur l'interface web de gestion depuis n'importe quelle patte (interface) du firewall, et en bypassant toutes les règles (rules). Mais...
  17. Xavier Mustin

    How to install XenServer 6.2 – Step By Step

    With the recent public availability of XenServer 6.2 there are an increasing number of people wanting to try it; here is a walk-through of an install so that you know what to expect if you want to try it yourself. In this example we are using a NFS datastore on the network to store VM files...
  18. Xavier Mustin

    Installer une clef RSA pour la connexion SSH

    Installer une connexion par clé Ce qui devrait toujours être fait pour une bonne sécurité. PuTTY http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe PuTTYgen http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/puttygen.exe Après l'avoir téléchargé, on lance PuttyGen, on clique sur Generate...
  19. Xavier Mustin

    SBS 2008: SharePoint Configuration Log File Huge

    We have a client setup that is getting a bit constrained on storage: One of the culprits was the above SharePoint Configuration log file. The following KB has the fix for us: Microsoft Knowledgebase KB2000544: SharePoint database log file is getting large in Windows SBS 2008 We need to...
  20. Xavier Mustin

    Outlook meeting requests are being received by the wrong person

    Scenario You send John a meeting request. He never receives the request but Administrator receives the request and accepts it. John's calendar is updated with the meeting details. Reason It is possible that John has given Administrator delegate access or, in some cases, delegate access has...