In this article we'll see how to reset root password on gitlab-ce (community edition) self-managed using the embedded tool gitlab-rake.
First we need access the container of gitlab-ce (you can see How to run gitlab-ce (self-managed) on docker container), we'll access it by container name, in my case is gitlab_ce, let's entry with this command:
Then, into the container we'll reset the root password directly using the command bellow:
The above command will request for you the new password and your confirm password. After you should see some message successfully as the image below:
It's ready! Now, you can make your login with your new password and the root login:
First we need access the container of gitlab-ce (you can see How to run gitlab-ce (self-managed) on docker container), we'll access it by container name, in my case is gitlab_ce, let's entry with this command:
docker exec -it gitlab_ce bin/bash
Then, into the container we'll reset the root password directly using the command bellow:
gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[root]"
The above command will request for you the new password and your confirm password. After you should see some message successfully as the image below:
It's ready! Now, you can make your login with your new password and the root login: