Backup failure 0x8007045D (I/O device error)

Xavier Mustin

Staff member
This is a generic error when running the Windows Imaging engine within BackupAssist.
A detailed description of the problem is provided in the backup log. Please refer to the log at the bottom of your backup report for more details.

Known Cause 1
Detailed Reason:
The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
Backup stopped before completing.
One of the backup files could not be created.

An I/O error is generally caused by an issue within the hardware involved with the backup. Run a chkdsk and defragmentation of the source and destination drives as this has been known to help.

This error can also be generated due to the sector size of the disk being 4096 bytes (drives generally larger than 2TB). This is a limitation within the Windows operating system and formatting the drive to a compatible sector size does not resolve the issue.

You'll need to backup to drives that are under 2TB in total size and formatted with a sector size of 512 bytes.